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The truth about surface dressing

I want to address some of the entirely inaccurate, and largely technically unaware, comments that have been made about our latest surface dressing summer scheme. This is a huge £6m summer set of works that are now underway across the county and, over the next seven weeks or so, will bring 227 separate areas of improvement for Lincolnshire road users.  Find out more

Having seen some of the digital user ‘claims’ about surface dressing, what it’s used for and why it’s chosen for any particular road, it’s clear that the armchair experts are out in force on this matter.  

Before we get into the details, I want to point out that – in an ideal world – we would resurface every road fully and do a fully comprehensive job with deep-build materials that would leave each road like new. But this isn’t an ideal world, and we simply don’t have the money to do that. So, we have to make every penny count in the best way possible – we need the most highway impact for the limited money we get, and in that aspect, the cost savings alone make surface dressing a brilliant option.  For example, a typical 1km stretch of road costs £24,000 to surface dressing against potentially £456,000 to fully reconstruct.

And that’s not considering how effective the technique is, either. Surface dressing is a go-to for highway authorities all over the UK and remains a mainstay of the tools we can all use to improve the condition of a road. Considering a surface-dressed road has a life expectancy of between 10-15 years versus a fully reconstructed road of 30 years, this further demonstrates what good value this technique is.

So, with all that in mind, here are the cold, hard facts of surface dressing to stop the misinformation being bandied about in the corners of online comment forums.  

As always, across everything we do in Highways across the county, LCC remains open and very available to anyone who wants to discuss any part of what we do.  

Get in touch with me directly, or speak to your local county councillor if there’s anything you wish to raise or discuss. We’re always very happy to explain why certain types of road treatment are used, or not – as is sometimes the case.  

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