While our veterans rightly took pride of place at Sunday’s Remembrance Parade, I would like to take the opportunity to personally thank those who gave up their Sunday morning to help make sure the event went off smoothly by helping to marshall traffic.
Standing with barriers in the middle of a road directing cars and wandering pedestrians isn’t glamorous however without the resolute souls it just wouldn’t have been possible to close the streets for this traditional event.
Firstly I must thank Nobby Clark for his tireless work in organising the parade, despite his calm exterior it’s truly a logistical marathon months in the planning. The roll call of ‘frozen heros reads: Adam Stokes, Andy Dann, Billy Rose, Bruce Wells, Dave Jones, Elvis Stooke, Geoff Miller, Ian Stewart, Jim Wheeldon, Matt Swindells, Mike Thackery
Pat Barrat, Paul Bridge, Peter Robinson, Roy Wright, Sally Dunlop
I’d also like to pay special thanks to Chris Seage, Belvoir Landscaping and Martin Thurnell, Kier, who supplied signage and equipment – without which we’d have been stranded and signless!
Thank you

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