It’s easy to overlook the vital role that Lincolnshire County Council plays in your life. It quietly works behind the scenes to keep our communities running smoothly. From fixing potholes and maintaining bus services to supporting families and safeguarding the environment, the Council touches nearly every aspect of daily life in Grantham and beyond. It would be helpful to run through what the County Council does so residents are aware of the breadth of services the Council provides. We often only think about them when something goes wrong.

This year, the total cost of services Lincolnshire County Council provides will amount to over £600m, helping provide the vast majority of local services that Grantham residents receive, from pothole repairs to school transport and trading standards to assisting older people. In fact, the latest figures from the Local Government show that County Councils provide over 80% of services residents receive, far more than parish, town or district councils. Yet, residents often aren’t aware of how much they do.

However, Lincolnshire County Council is essential to ensuring our local communities thrive. Let’s look at the range of services they offer and why it matters to you.

Keeping You Moving – Highways, Roads, and Public Transport

One of the Council’s most visible roles is ensuring our roads and highways are safe and well-maintained. With a commitment to safety, Lincolnshire County Council manages over 5,500 miles of roads, focusing on rural areas like those surrounding Grantham. From resurfacing busy routes to filling potholes on minor roads, the Council works year-round to keep traffic moving safely. We are also delivering massive and complex schemes like Grantham Southern Relief Road, North Hykeham Relief Road and a myriad of smaller improvements from crossings on Barrowby Road through to much needed resurfacing schemes on Dysart Road

One standout initiative is the CallConnect service, a vital lifeline for Grantham’s rural communities. This on-demand bus service covers areas where traditional bus routes don’t run, ensuring everyone can access essential services, shopping, and healthcare. Recent improvements include an app that makes booking a bus more accessible than ever and a £2 fare cap to help residents during the cost-of-living crisis​.

In addition to its on-demand services like CallConnect, Lincolnshire County Council significantly supports scheduled bus services across the county, ensuring that essential routes continue operating, even in low passenger numbers. The Council subsidises several scheduled bus services, especially those that connect rural villages to larger towns like Grantham. This is crucial in areas where commercial operators need help running regular services. Through these subsidies, the Council helps maintain vital transport links, enabling residents to travel to work, school, healthcare appointments, and shopping centres. This support is essential for residents without private transport, helping to reduce social isolation and providing access to critical services. Furthermore, Lincolnshire works with bus operators to enhance services, often stepping in to maintain or extend routes that might otherwise be cut, showing their commitment to keeping communities connected​.

Road safety is a top priority during the winter. The Council operates an extensive gritting programme to keep roads safe during icy conditions, ensuring drivers and pedestrians can confidently travel. Whether ensuring the smooth operation of public transport or maintaining our roads clear, Lincolnshire County Council is hard at work behind the scenes to keep us all moving​​.

Supporting Children and Families – Schools, Early Education, and Youth Services

Lincolnshire’s children are the future, and the Council takes great pride in its dedication to providing top-tier services to ensure they get the best start in life. The Council’s commitment to high-quality education for all is unwavering, from maintaining and expanding local schools to offering special educational needs (SEN) support.

The Family Hubs initiative is an excellent example of how the Council supports families. Located in communities like Grantham, these hubs provide various services, including parenting support, early education, and child health services. Whether you need advice, healthcare, or educational resources, Family Hubs are a vital touchpoint for families across Lincolnshire​​, showing the Council’s care and support for its residents.

Lincolnshire County Council plays a vital role in providing Home to School Transport, ensuring that children and young people, particularly those in rural areas, can travel safely and efficiently to and from school. The Council offers free transport for eligible pupils, including those who live beyond walking distance from their nearest school or have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Lincolnshire’s Home to School Transport service supports over 20,000 students daily, ensuring they have access to education no matter where they live in the county.

The Council has also been committed to modernising this service to align with its environmental goals. For example, Lincolnshire has invested in greener transport options by upgrading part of its school bus fleet to more environmentally friendly vehicles, helping to reduce the country’s carbon footprint. The Council’s focus on delivering safe, reliable, and sustainable transport ensures that pupils across the county can access the education they need, regardless of location​​.

Ofsted rates Lincolnshire’s children’s services “outstanding,” a testament to the Council’s commitment to protecting vulnerable children. These include fostering and adoption services and support for care leavers to help them transition into adulthood. Additionally, the Council is continually investing in new schools and special education facilities, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to thrive​​.

Health and Social Care – Supporting Wellbeing for All Ages

Lincolnshire County Council is pivotal in delivering adult social care services to thousands of residents, ensuring they receive the support needed to live with dignity, independence, and wellbeing. The Council’s services cater to a wide range of needs, from home care and residential support to services for people with learning disabilities, physical impairments, and mental health challenges. Lincolnshire’s adult social care services support over 20,000 people annually, with the Council spending a significant portion of its budget on this area. In fact, adult social care accounts for nearly £200M (approximately 40% of the Council’s total annual expenditure), reflecting the importance of this service to the community.

Lincolnshire County Council also prioritises your health and wellbeing. Whether supporting older residents, providing mental health services, or promoting healthy lifestyles, the Council is there to help. For example, the Day Opportunities Service supports adults with learning disabilities and provides community-based activities that help them live independently and stay active. These services, which include social care, drop-in sessions, and even residential opportunities, make a big difference to people’s quality of life​.

Another initiative demonstrating the Council’s commitment to health is the SHINE Lincolnshire mental health programme. SHINE supports individuals facing mental health challenges by providing community-based support, improving access to services, and working with healthcare providers to ensure people get the help they need​.

Health Visiting Services provide essential early support for families, ensuring that babies and young children grow up healthy. The Council constantly evolves these services, recently adding children’s nurses to bolster health programmes​.

Keeping Our Streets Clean and Countryside Beautiful

Grantham and the wider Lincolnshire area are known for their scenic beauty, and the County Council plays a significant role in maintaining the environment. The Council is responsible for public rights of way, ensuring residents enjoy beautiful spaces while working with farmers and other landowners to ensure access is maintained for all benefit.

Waste management and recycling are also high on the Council’s agenda. They work alongside district councils to manage your household waste and recycling services, with plans to roll out weekly food waste collections by 2026. This forms part of a national effort to reduce waste and increase recycling rates, ensuring Lincolnshire remains a leader in environmental responsibility​.

Additionally, the Council has installed over 100,000 LED streetlights across the county, making our streets brighter, safer, and more energy-efficient. These projects are part of the Council’s drive to cut carbon emissions and save on energy costs​.

Tackling Antisocial Behaviour and Keeping Communities Safe

Lincolnshire County Council is deeply involved in making Grantham and other areas safer places to live. By working closely with local police and community groups, the Council invests in various programmes to tackle antisocial behaviour. For example, the Stay Safe Partnership brings together agencies to educate young people on making safer choices and avoiding dangerous situations​.

Lincolnshire County Council oversees Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue, a critical service dedicated to protecting residents and responding to emergencies across the county. The fire service responds to fires and is crucial in dealing with road traffic accidents, flooding, and other significant incidents. With 46 fire stations strategically placed across Lincolnshire, the service is well-prepared to tackle emergencies in both urban and rural areas. In addition to its emergency response, Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue is heavily involved in community safety and prevention efforts, running educational campaigns on fire safety, offering free home fire safety checks, and working with schools and community groups to raise awareness about fire prevention. The service also plays a crucial role in emergency planning, helping to coordinate responses during severe weather events such as flooding, and ensuring that residents are protected during crises. Through a combination of rapid response and proactive education, Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue remains a cornerstone of safety in the county​​.

Another area of focus is road safety. The Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership helps keep our roads safer through education and engineering projects that reduce accidents. This includes the Community Speed Watch initiative, which empowers local residents to monitor speeding in their areas​.

Protecting the Environment – From Climate Initiatives to Flood Management

Lincolnshire is leading the way in environmental stewardship. The Council has committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, and they’re already taking steps to make this happen. From switching to LED streetlights to improving waste management practices, Lincolnshire is working hard to create a sustainable future​​.

The Council also plays a crucial role in flood prevention. Flood risks are a significant concern in rural areas like those surrounding Grantham. Over the last few years, the Council has invested millions into flood defence systems, ensuring that homes and businesses are protected from the impacts of climate change​.

Supporting the Local Economy and Job Creation

Lincolnshire County Council is focused on strengthening the local economy, which includes supporting small businesses, creating jobs, and boosting tourism. Through partnerships with businesses, they ensure that local entrepreneurs have access to the resources and infrastructure they need to succeed. The Council’s work also extends to investing in regional tourism, promoting Lincolnshire’s heritage, natural beauty, and cultural offerings​​.

The Council’s apprenticeship programmes and initiatives to promote skills development ensure that young people in Grantham are well-prepared for the future. These programmes help bridge the gap between education and employment, providing a bright future for Lincolnshire’s workforce​.

Why It Matters to Grantham Residents

Lincolnshire County Council’s services directly impact your daily life in ways you may not always notice. From the roads you drive on to the parks you enjoy and the public transport you rely on, the Council constantly works to improve life for Grantham residents. By staying informed and getting involved, you can help shape the future of your community.

It’s essential to recognise the Council’s careful stewardship of public funds. Despite challenging economic conditions, Lincolnshire County Council has maintained one of the lowest council tax rates in the country while still delivering essential services. This careful financial management ensures that the Council can continue to invest in infrastructure, health, and education while keeping costs down for residents​.

Get Involved and Stay Informed

If you’d like to learn more about what Lincolnshire County Council is doing in Grantham and beyond, In that case, their website is full of information about current projects, upcoming developments, and ways you can get involved. Whether through community consultations, volunteering, or simply sharing your ideas, your voice can help shape the future of Lincolnshire. Take a look at

So next time you’re driving along a well-maintained road, enjoying a walk in the countryside, or benefitting from a local service, take a moment to appreciate the work of your County Council. They’re working behind the scenes to make Grantham and Lincolnshire the best they can be – for today and future generations.